5 Best WordPress Registration Plugins

It seems as though for every site we constantly have to register for new products, services, groups, etc. While this can sometimes be a momentary painless thing to do, if the registration process is frustrating, we may give up and not think it’s worth it. These plugins create support both for users registering as well as admin control on the backend to make everyone’s job easier with registration.

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This plugin controls front-end logins, profiles, and registration for users. You can customize your website by adding a front-end menu for the users, giving them freedom to create their own profile and register new users. If you choose to give users administrator rights they can customize basic fields and add user fields to some front-end forms.

There are shortcodes that come with the plugins to enable a variety of things – from granting users front end access to adding login forms and logout functionality. Also, you can enable email confirmations for when people register and enforce all username and password details. Finally, you can chose which user roles view the admin bar and which profile fields that they can modify.


  1. Custom User Registration Form Builder

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Custom User Registration Form Builder allows you to create any type of form very quickly. There is an easy-to-use forms manager on the menu and you simply have to go to “Add New” where you will be presented with options for type, name, description, redirection, header, auto responder, and success message.

For the type you can decide if it is a contact form or registration form, and the password field does not need to appear if you choose “auto generate password.” You can name the form uniquely so it’s not visible on the front end of your website and you can see it. There is an option to redirect visitors to a specific page on your site or any URL. You can then decide if you want to send automatic messages and success messages to the registered person and customize from there as well.


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This fully responsive plugin has unlimited custom profile fields and allows you to customize every aspect of the registration form. You can control the required fields, which fields users can edit, the private fields, and other areas. You can have as many registration forms as you’d like with different fields using filters. Also, you can force different user roles on each registration form through the filters.

There are custom validations that can be created for login and registration using filters and you enable user role selection on the registration forms. User profiles approvals will appear so you can manually approve users before they officially register and a two-factor authentication e-mail will be sent out to enhance your security as well. $28


  1. Front-End Membership Modules

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This plugin is designed to help you extend the authentication layer of the WordPress site. You can display the login form, register form with custom form fields, edit the profile form with custom form fields and reset the password form and logout features. Also, you can integrate Social Media Connect so users can register through Facebook, Twitter, Google, and LinkedIn.

With this plugin you can create multiple registration forms with different custom field and you also have the option to choose default user roles for the form. Thus, when a new person registers, their data will be saved to a usermeta table and a new user will be assigned a specific/different role for the site. You can set your site up so that only approved new user accounts can register, or by invitation only so that you’re in constant control of who is entering the site. There are also multiple recover password methods and multiple logout methods to choose from. It’s fully customizable with CSS and Javascript and the custom sidebar text widget allows you to display content based on user logged in status. $15


  1. WP Simple Login Registration Plugin

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WP Simple Login Registration Plugin is a more simply, less flash, option for a plugin to create basic registration forms. There is front end, subscriber, or user registration formats to start with. You can adjust and monitor the retrieving of passwords as well as the user profile editing the users will be provided with.

From the admin panel you can configure and edit the registration steps, profiles, login, and reset password page form fields. This plugin limits single registration for IP configurable and user registration is linked to specific email domains. You will get registration notifications and be able to modify the email templates sent by the admin to the user. $14


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